From The Heart Of Pastors

Having lived the majority of my life in the home of pastors, I have seen the need for Pastors to share, as well as others to better understand our hearts and lives. I grew up as a pastor's kid (PK) and after graduating Bible College my husband and I took our first church when I was quite young. Come on in, make yourself comfortable, may the Lord bless and comfort you during this time (and always).

Wednesday, October 14, 2015



copyright(c)2015 Daneille Gray Snowden

by Daneille Gray Snowden
Majority of Pastor's truly 'blush' at the thought of having a special month set aside to show them specifically; appreciation. Pastors for the most part, live daily in hopes to minister to the hurting, hungry, hopeless and so on. Personally, for us; it's a JOY to reach out and love others with God's Love; leading them to a closer walk with Him.
Pastors have been misunderstood for countless reasons. If pastors and parishioners alike would keep on the forefront of their mind; we are not perfect. We will not make the perfect decisions, or say the perfect word all the time; but, we walk humbly, with a heart for people. May all who know us, see that heart always. We may become tired and worn; but with the heart of God's Love we continue on, by serving others.
Appreciation means: thankful recognition,  estimating the qualities,  rise in value, & gratitude. To be recognized, even just a bit. 
Note how much there is value of a pastor today compared in the olden times; the Pastor had great notoriety, and was very much respected in the community.  God's Word was regarded more so as a Guide on Living out daily life, so those who delivered, and taught God's Word were valued. Prayer was essential, thus when the Pastor (& family) was called in for prayer; it was vital to people.
Yet, today the value of these qualities are not esteemed in our society as they once were. I remember as a little girl how proud I was to tell others my father was a pastor; and I would receive such positive remarks back. Today, the majority response is basically non appreciative.
-Cause God's Word is NOT the *Christian's Study Guide to life.
-God's directives on holy living is not received; for most have developed their own life styles (contrary to God's Word).
-Preaching the Gospel (the Good News...story of Jesus) is boring and just old hat, seemingly not applicable.
-Little Praying; although some do pray and are interceding or BELIEVING that God still heals, provides, & directs.
- Not Worshiping; Yet, through out history all types of 'WALLS' have fallen through worship & lifting Jesus up.
-Little serving others and unity in the Body of Christ; people are busy. They are distracted, the blinders of self are hindering the blessing of serving one another. It takes up our precious time, money or strength.
Yet, the call to Pastor and what his duties are, have not changed. Sometimes, the methodology may have to (as long as it aligns to the Word of God). So, with the above statements regarding the WHY's of there being less appreciation for the office of pastor - Pastors today are leaving the ministry by the boatloads. Their health has been attacked (due to stress), pastors are quite lonely, they are judged and live under not just one big microscope but many different kinds too!
As Aaron and Joshua were there to lift up Moses during his time of leadership in battle; today Pastors need more and more the same edification. They won't tell ya that; they will serve and serve till they are taken to glory; but deep within they just need simple gratitude.

 'What Pastors want for 'Pastor's Appreciation Day.'
1.) To be LOVED...accepted for who they are; including their wives & children.
2.) A pat on the back, hug or handshake acknowledging their service to the congregation and community.
3.) Affirmation (endorse, confirm): Confirm their message and service if you feel what they said or did was what you needed. [It helps to hear this.]
4.) Come early to church to pray for the service.
5.) Help clean the church, or mow the lawn, fix something that is broken.
6.) Bring others to church. Seeing the 'flock' reproducing means so much to a pastor.
7.) Invite them over for dinner.
8.) Send them a note of thanks.
9.) Do something special for their children & spouse. Many times their children do not live close to grandparents and other relatives. I still today call a lady in my parents church: 'Aunt Dorothy'. She was like an aunt to me, and still is today.
10.) Stay after church and clean the bathrooms + empty the trash.
11.) Pastors LOVE to go on vacation like most everyone else. Many times though their work is constant, or the finances are too low to go anywhere. As a church body; send your Pastor family off to a refreshing vacation.
12.) A financial 'love-offering' is a blessing. Pastor will never say that is what they want, but many times it could be what they need.
13.) Have a special Sunday where the leadership takes the service and honors their pastor and their family. [It may be quite over-whelming for the Pastor & family; but they need to 'hear & see' for themselves how much the Body they serve loves them.]
14.) Does the pastor need anything...some pastors may need a new computer, Bible, car or such. Investigate and find out... anything that can ease the burden will help the pastor do his job even better.
15.) PRAY! PRAY! PRAY for your pastor! Many Pastors will tell you when they can 'feel' the prayers working on behalf of the saints of God. They also can tell you when they need the prayer and don't feel the intercession for them. Although; God is faithful to carry them; the Power of Intercession is a must for ministers today. Satan is fighting with all his devious schemes to attack Pastors. It's painful, cruel at times and all pastors NEED the Body of Christ to pray for them.
16.) Stand With Your Pastor...especially when times are hard at the church. Don't do a disappearing act. It's NOT the pastors church...the body is comprised of all the souls attending...thus, we need to support our leadership.
17.) Don't just do this on Pastor Appreciation month, make it a habit to do it as often as you think of it. Encourage others in your church to do the same. This is contagious, and as visitors come in they will see a solid, unified, loving bunch of folks; thus they will want to be a part of it.

Things That Were Done For Us (to name a few);
*My husband's father was in a terrible accident far away, (20 hrs.+). The church paid for him to go be with him. The same as when there have been deaths, sickness in our family; they encouraged us to go be with our family (even if we had to miss a Sunday). THAT SUPPORT WAS COMFORTING at a very difficult time.
*Our first church bought my husband an entire (expensive) set of commentaries, and me a set of Tupperware. I was a young mother then and it was so nice.
*Special meals on a Sunday, with cards & $.
*A meal a day was made for us one time for an entire month.
*Each one got up and shared at a special service. They all prayed over us.
*Paid for date night.
*Watched our children.
And much more. We have been dearly blessed with very loving people in our churches. We LIVE TO SERVE, and being loved back just stokes up the passion to do more for the Kingdom of God! 
Jeremiah 3:15  "And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding."
 Romans 10:14  "How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?"

Hebrews 13:7  "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith."


Sunday, October 4, 2015


 copyright(c)2015 Daneille Gray Snowden

By Daneille Gray Snowden
The call of God upon a man or woman, (when answered) totally breaths another type of life and even character into their lives. God's Heart is captured within, causing great passion for a dying world to be shown a way of salvation. As we pastors grow in our call; by serving others and spending intimate time in communion with our Lord; this PASSION intensifies greatly.  So much so, it becomes greatly what we think and talk about ALL THE TIME; which then causes our feet to move and our hands to reach out.

By serving others within this place, position, and opportunity is the mode that turns the wheels of our calling. We LOVE-to-LOVE others by teaching them the WAY of hope and life; this of course is by the Word of God being ministered weekly. We love to listen, be a shoulder for one's to cry on, and offer sound advice coupled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

As the world changes all around; in individuals lives, our communities and such: the Lord is true to giving VISION' for the ministry God has brought them to. The scripture; "Without a vision, the people will perish." (Prov. 29:18) is the energy source to compel the called man and/or woman of God to propel themselves into the Presence of their God. Why? For it's God's Vision (not man's), and Call for the Work in the Harvest!


Atlantic Ocean Road
As we dwell on this aspect, allow me to take you down a difficult roadway for many pastors today. They have this call, God's Heart-Beat pounding intensely within; yet their voices don't seem to be heard. God's Word is preached, prayer and fasting is being practiced, God is filling the minister with His blessed Spirit that gives great 'unction' to continue the work. Still, Pastor's telephone and visit, trying whatever avenue the Lord leads them to minister; and the response is not there. God's blessed presence is felt during the worship time in the service, the Pastor preaches (filled with love) with great affection and still; there is a deafening silence.

Pastor, if you are there; you understand when church is over you feel an aching deep within your spirit. With a gentle smile, hugs around the necks of your parishioner's and kind words (plus quick counseling sessions); the doors are closed and locked and another service is over. Or is it? We all know and do believe God's Word doesn't return void, He is working on everyone's hearts and minds what was delivered that Sunday. It's not over inside the Pastor and even their entire family either. All week long, this is the day you anticipate to be used by the Lord for lives to be changed for His Glory. Yet another service, is over;  seemingly, it seems fruit is not multiplying.

There are ministries where the Word falls on healthy soil and God multiplies the fruit that comes forth. These ministries are filled with intercessors. There is a loving unity that abides within the Body; where brothers and sisters in Christ are just that: a family. They find it difficult to say goodbye when it's time to part. Yet, many pastors (who are true & quite genuine in their love for God & people); are in a pastorship that see's little of what a healthy church has.

2 Timothy 3:1-5               
"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."
 Difficult passage of scripture; yet we all KNOW truly that this is in all the world; those who are "lovers of self - more than lovers of God."  The FRUIT of this is destruction; "It is the most destructive influence upon interpersonal relationships imaginable. It eliminates concern for the other person’s welfare and sucks the life out of any meaningful communication. It is the first sin of the universe, when Adam and Eve chose themselves over God, and it tops the list of sins that God hates" [Dr. Dan Hayden]

This self love has been the break down of the church. When we note that priorities are based on the factor of: 'me'; other's needs are neglected (including God's). How does this affect Pastors? Those who do not allow anger to fester, still do deal with intense frustration; who feel a gnawing eating within their hearts. To be frank; it is MISERABLE! God's LIFE GIVING SPIRIT; has led the Pastor (and his entire family) to a ministry to bring LIFE. But, it's just not being received!

Here is where the Pastor battles his own emotions of loss on what to do and how to reach out, thus that leans to sadness. Feeling bewildered, realizing God's Heart; a Pastor (who is earnest in his call), approaches each day of service only knowing one thing: BE FAITHFUL.  The difficulty lies, seeing one's self and their family in disarray. Worn, but knowing God well enough that He will take care of them. The Pastor asks God the question; "Do I I keep going on, year after year, with no fruit?" Saying to his / her Lord; "God, I want to love them with Your love...I NEED to be used of You to cultivate the harvest of souls. Help me, God: I feel as if I am slowly dying not being USED UP for You!"

Slowly dying, ouch! Not spiritually, but ministerially and emotionally. Do pastors admit that to one
another? I think not! But, there are several ministries (churches) that are in this very 'state'. There are some pastors too, who are feeling (as they long to serve) that they are slowly sinking and their feet are just getting heavier. The support in prayer, affirmation, and finances (sometimes)  is just simply non existent.


Seek out a friend, a godly man or woman who is truly in 'touch' with the leading of the Holy Spirit. This person may or may not be a fellow pastor, or minister but can also be one who is passionate about serving the Lord and others. Confide this to them, pour your heart out. Allow them to pray for you and be your confidant. We need this. I cannot tell you that you need to leave this ministry or stay. But, I can tell you; God see's your faithfulness to Him;
 "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." Heb. 6:10

Hold tightly to the fact your Lord has called you and He is faithful to His promises!

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9


Please, grab this friend and do this. Try if you are able to get time for refreshing. At this period the Lord may give you amazing strength and guidance. There is nothing like time alone with our God and family.

"Refresh my heart in Christ." Philemon 1:20


I know several aged ministers who have had those healthy, fruitful churches as well as those dry, unhealthy ones too. What encourages me as a Pastor (with my husband); is the GLOW on their faces (reminding me of Stephen when martyred by Paul) when they speak of ALL THE YEARS of ministry and how many (of their old parishioners) have come to them (even from those barren churches) and tell them how God used them (the aged Pastor) to turn their lives over to the Lord. And how, God blessed in that their families today are serving Jesus.  Ya see, we just don't know; only God knows. Hang on my friend, God is making a way. Meanwhile, draw strength from the WELL, being filled with His refreshing!

"To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me." Colossians 1:29

Read the words to Rend Collective's song, More Than Conquerors :

"When my hope and strength is gone
You're the one who calls me on
You are the life
You are the fight
That's in my soul
We are more than conquerors, through Christ
You have overcome this world, this life....
...Nothing is impossible
Every chain is breakable
With You, we are victorious
You are stronger than our hearts
You are greater than the dark
With You, we are victorious..."
My friend; God is greater than our hearts...He is stronger...WE ARE VICTORIOUS!