From The Heart Of Pastors

Having lived the majority of my life in the home of pastors, I have seen the need for Pastors to share, as well as others to better understand our hearts and lives. I grew up as a pastor's kid (PK) and after graduating Bible College my husband and I took our first church when I was quite young. Come on in, make yourself comfortable, may the Lord bless and comfort you during this time (and always).

Monday, October 28, 2019


copyright(c)2019 Daneille Gray Snowden

by Daneille Gray Snowden

Do you recall the old hymn; 'Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow'? It's a powerful, poetic song that truly reveals the soul who has vowed to follow the steps of our Lord. 

No matter where we all are in our call to serve Jesus; we long only to do God's perfect will, in His time and way. 
On occasion, He calls us to something BIGGER THAN OURSELVES; we see this beforehand, and in the midst of the journey itself. I do believe this is how we know God's Hand is totally leading ALL THE WAY.  
I heard it said this way: "We are being called to a GOD SIZE TASK!" This will require:

The prophet Nehemiah; the little ole cup bearer by profession was moved deeply by God. So much so; that there was a burden stirring deep in his soul. This moved him to prayer as He felt the grief and pain of his people. 
God planted 'HIS BURDEN' in the heart of Nehemiah. {Link to Nehemiah 1 }

For us (the Snowden's); God has deepened His Heart for those who do not know Him as their Savior (who do not know God loves them), also for the unreached, and focused on our Pastors with their families who need us to walk with them as they try so hard serving others with so little themselves. 
This BURDEN birthed from the Throne Room of God; and tucked deep into our souls, that all we could do was: cry, fast, pray and seek God's Face. 

What has God placed upon your heart? Is it a place, a people, a directive in a particular type of ministry? Such as to those addicted to drugs, the homeless, our veterans, children, human trafficking, the disabled, sports ministry...etc. 
I truly believe God has something for everyone of His children to do!

As a mother, each of my children had specific tasks I expected for each of them; no matter how small or big. God does the same for each of us. Listen to Him, tell God; 'I am ready to hear Your call upon my life and receive Your burden for whomever you long for me to serve.' 

Things were difficult in Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah; Neh. 1:3

 "They said to me, “The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its [fortified] gates have been burned (destroyed) by fire.”  

God uses circumstances! Why do we forget this sometimes? It could be circumstance like Nehemiah's here where Jerusalem is in need. Or it could be our own personal circumstances too. For us, we were pastors for many, many years. Because of that and the many challenges we faced; it grew a burden in our heart for all pastors. 

I know veterans that minister to other vet's. Or grieving parents who start ministries to others. The list of how God uses circumstances could continue on to send us out to the people and places He is burdened for. 

God will send His Favor, His Support/Provision as He MOVES us to WHERE He has called us! Remember; Nehemiah prayed with great passion before God. He repented on behalf of his country. He asked God to help Judah and to help him to serve them as well. He in all actuality, was praying the will and heart of God. A powerful connection happens (when we pray this way); and God's Hand moved powerfully. [And He will move the same for us as we pray this way.]  {God answers Nehemiah's prayer. Neh. 2 (click link)}

When we as a family were led to start the journey as missionaries; we started with NO money, a husband who was critically ill (dying and in a wheelchair) and seemingly alone. As the burden for missions, the unreached, and for pastors grew: we took the faith-step forward. 
We experienced Divine Healing; as Brad (my husband) was healed. Even though we didn't have the funds; we travelled all over the United States for 2 years, then to Africa and lived. GOD'S FAVOR, HIS PROVISION & SUPPORT carried us all the way; and still is today. 

Another way God moves is when we develop a PASSION for Him and His Heart; to the point of being absolutely DESPERATE FOR HIM AND HIS WILL!
I believe God is waiting on us to be desperate for Him, and desperate for a break through of souls turning over their heart to Jesus! 
KNOW THIS dear reader; when God MOVES us, calling us out to do His work in lives that are lost, hurting, and heading for eternity without Him; IT WILL HURT! When God moves it will be PAINFUL! [Think growing pains.]
Our hearts will be in agony over the plight of the world (like Nehemiah). 
Hosea 6:1  “Come and let us return [in repentance] to the Lord,
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us."
v.1b  it says: 'HE WILL HEAL US...' 
I recall so many times as we would have amazing church services; seeing souls saved, people healed and God just changing lives. It would happen: either before the Lord would give us the message to preach or after the service; we personally would suffer many different types of hurt, pains, sickness, financial challenges and so on. It never failed; it always happened.
 On the 'field' it happened as well. {Oh the powerful loneliness, feeling lost and alone.} Then, God would put a life in our path that needed the answer to what we were walking through. 
Just because you are in pain; does not mean whatsoever that you cannot do what God has planned for you. It means; "in our weakness...HE IS STRONG!" (2 Cor. 12:9)  

When God moves; HE IS PROGRESSIVE...reviving us, raising us up- TO BE what He created us to be!
Hos. 6:2  “After two days He will revive us;
On the third day He will raise us up
That we may live before Him."
We serve an ALL POWERFUL God, that when He calls us out 'to-do' and 'to-be' what He Wills: HE WILL DO IT!
Hos. 6:3  “So let us know and become personally acquainted with Him; let us press on to know and understand fully the [greatness of the] Lord [to honor, heed, and deeply cherish Him].
His appearing is prepared and is as certain as the dawn,
And He will come to us [in salvation] like the [heavy] rain,
Like the spring rain watering the earth.”

WHAT IS NEEDED WHEN GOD MOVES (moves in His power, and call upon our lives)?

Remember; God does move in mysterious ways. His timing is different. We must stay deeply connected to His heart always! 
He will take us all down roads we in our own mind would never go. 
Be ready, be willing and GO WITH GOD; because...

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


copyright(c)2019 Daneille Gray Snowden

I recently posted this on my story on Facebook and Instagram:
This is one of those 'hard-truths' faced in the ministry. Actually, even in life itself. 
How we handle this as leaders is the most significant next step we will take in this journey of serving others; as we are in service for our Lord. 
We could REACT,  and that is not always a bad thing, it's HOW WE REACT that we must ponder. 
Truthfully, when things are said about us and even to us that is not true; as the deliverer of this 'so-called' information is convinced it is definitely true...this cuts deep into our own souls.
I have seen pastors being told many things when these 'accusers' definitely did not have the correct information. 

Sometimes;  the Holy Spirit will lead us to just keep our mouths shut. At least for a time. 

Matthew 5:38-40  “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’  But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.  If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.

My husband and I have had to do this; even recently. Our hopes and prayers were that the individual would eventually see the truth, or would possibly allow the Lord to touch their hearts to see things in a godly/spiritual way. 
Time and time again we kept quiet. Did it hurt? Oh yes...deeply.
This is where we need to be aware of  hurts turning into spite and bitterness, remembering 'why' the Lord told us to "be quiet."
2 Chron. 20:17 "You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you,..."
Then, there are times the boldness of the Holy Spirit says; "Rise up and speak the truth (defending ourselves)!" Yet, seasoned with grace and much love. Ha! Is that ever a challenge to our human nature. But, He is faithful to equip us. Ya see; we are still dying to self and yet still standing up for who we are in Christ. 

Ex. 4:15 "You are to speak to him and put the words in his mouth; and I, even I, will be with your mouth and his mouth, and I will teach you what you are to do."
Isn't it interesting to walk this 'walk' in life?
It is so different than what this world would advise us to do.
Remember: His ways are far different than our ways! 
Although, our goal is to be like Jesus! "But He answered him not one word, so that

 the governor marveled greatly." Matt. 27:14
He was accused; and stood silent. 
I also think of Job, who as we read in the beginning of this book of wisdom, was known as the most righteous man on earth. 
Still, his closest of friends; ASSUMED THEY KNEW his thoughts and secret sins ...thus they knew why he was suffering so much.
They were accusing of him by what they assumed. They truly believed what they thought. {Still, they were so wrong!}
I cannot even begin to imagine the deep cut into Job's heart by this; especially after all the suffering he was walking through. 
You think times have changed, but they haven't.
Man is still man; pride is still pride and people will continue to say what they think without bridling their tongues.

So, as a leader...
First: know you are not alone. 
Second; your God see's and hears what has been said and done to you. He has this as you keep it in His Hands.
Third; ask Him to lead your heart, then your lips as you speak  at a timely fashion in a loving way. Realizing even though this has been spoken about you; it's not about you. It's about the enemy distorting God's work. For you are His vessel, doing His Work.
Fourthly; Do not allow the hurt to sit in your soul. Pray, worship, get counsel from a spirit led, wise advisor. Surrender it and keep focused on your Lord on!
God is using you, or the enemy wouldn't be trying to intimidate you. 
Rise up my fellow warrior; and march on!